Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hunting Opportunity in Alberta

Here is what ESRD has to say about the allocation of hunting opportunity for the coming years:

Currently, Environment and Sustainable Resource Development is finalizing the outfitter allocations for 2013 to 2018. Due to the hard winter of 2010-11, some wildlife populations in certain wildlife
management units have declined. We are reducing the outfitter allocations in the wildlife management units of high concern.

The department is also starting a policy review on hunting allocations, and our goal is to come up with allocation numbers that are fair for resident hunters and outfitters. We are looking at ways of reducing non-resident allocations when we see sudden wildlife population reductions. This would include instances like the severe winter conditions we saw in 2010-11, which had a major impact on wildlife populations and the number of resident hunter tags issued in some areas. As part of this process, we are also reviewing the allocation process for landowner tags.

1 comment:

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