Thursday, October 7, 2010

67.5" Alberta Moose!!

Pro Staff Luke Viravec was only doing his most favorite thing in the whole world - hunting moose. He knew he was in good country but had no idea what was waiting with the noisy cow in the thick willows. His unbelievable bull stretches the tape to Yukon moose dimensions and beyond with 67.5" spread, 19.5 and 20" wide boards. he grosses over 232 B&C inches and loses very little in deductions, in fact if it weren't for the six drop tines (Yes 6!) it would be the new Alberta record. As it is the Viravec bull is the largest killed in Alberta in 32 years and sits 13th over all in the world. The enormous moose is already being heralded as the Alberta big game trophy of the decade.
Congratulations to Luke and watch for the entire adventure on the Outdoor Quest in 2011.