Thursday, November 20, 2008

Day 2 Scouting Sheep

Here is a ram that is just below the tower on the mine. I would shoot this fellow on opening day or any other day. You can click any of the pictures to enjoy them full size. Today I headed through Cadomin and out to the Tower Trail. Lots of sheep out here, even some off the mine.
It is a bit of a tug up the last pitch into the hidden basin nestled just under the pass. Far above me, well into slip-and-die country a high country romanced was taking place. Ewes when pushed make sure their suitor is determined and she had him up in the snow covered cliffs. Several times I watched both of them go spraddle legged just to cling to the tenuous ledges. At one point the ram attempted to breed no matter how precarious the situation was. Poor bugger fell off the mountain! It took him 10 minutes to get back up to her and he was still there with her when I left. He is a nice ram but the nearest I can get to him is about 800 or 900 yards and the shot would be straight up!

Tomorrow is opener!

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