Friday, November 21, 2008

Sheep Season Day 1

Today we were headed to the Tower and got there just minutes after one of the other lucky hunters, so off to the Hot Rocks for Matt and I. The Hot Rocks were covered in elk and very few sheep. Up the ridge we went and sat for the day. we saw a nice ram out on Slaughter but he was booking it for the mine and was back safe in less then 10 minutes. By 2:30 the wind was blowing hard enough to spray us with rocks so we worked our way down to the truck and called it a day.


T.J. said...

Wow, that is a big herd of's so picturesque You see any big bulls?

Hopefully you have better luck tomorrow!

Rich Mellon said...

Just ratty bulls, the biggest was a 5x5 but there was a booner spike - about 24 inches to a side!