Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lucky Number 23

I've never heard of 23 being a lucky number before but today was my 23rd day whitetail hunting. I had my close calls but trying to get everything on tape has its challenges especially when you are by yourself. Today I was going to stick to the office and write and edit. By 1 pm I had an article wrapped up and was thinking I should go sit for at least the evening. By the time I got to my blind and got the camera set up it was 3:14 at 3:20 a doe trotted down the trail with my buck on he tail. A grunt stopped him and it was over. So simple and easy it was disgusting! My buck is a great heavy old 4x4 and my still camera battery was dead from all the cold days so field photos are going to have to wait until the morning when I go get him.

1 comment:

Matt Mellon said...

Hey man great buck glad you got it done